陈 巍副教授 姓名:陈巍 性别:男 Email: wchen@sgg.whu.edu.cn


2011年12月获十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台固体地球物理学博士学位 (硕博连读)
















  1. 地球自转 (章动、极移和日长变化) 理论和解释:圈层地球的核幔耦合及其对地球自转状态的影响;大气、海洋及陆地水变化对章动、极移和日长变化的激发作用;大气、海洋相互作用过程中的动力学响应 (Dynamic barometer响应,或者说Non-inverted barometer响应) 等

  2. 冰川均衡调整:反演地幔粘滞度剖面;冰川均衡调整导致的地表抬升、重力变化和地球自转变化等

  3. 地球的频率依赖响应理论 (主要包括地幔滞弹性和粘弹性、海洋动力学过程等对Love数k,h,l和负荷Love数k’等随频率的变化规律) 及其在地球自转、形变等方面的应用

  4. 地球自转应用:地球自转参数预报;利用多种观测改进大气、海洋及陆地水变化模型数据等

  5. 时变重力理论及应用:建立多源观测时变重力场;利用GRACE、SLR等时变重力数据约束、改进大气、海洋及陆地水模型等


陈巍 (2011) 顾及频率依赖响应的三轴分层地球自转理论.博士论文, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, 中国武汉.

Chen Wei (2011) Rotation of the triaxially-stratified Earth with frequency-dependent responses.PhD Thesis, Wuhan University, China (in Chinese).


  1. Luo, J.; Chen, W.; Ray, J.; van Dam, T.; Li, J (2021) A Loading Correction Model for GPS Measurements Derived from Multiple-Data Combined Monthly Gravity.Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 4408, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13214408. [IF4.848]

  2. Luo, J.; Chen, W.; Ray, J.; Li, J (2020) Excitations of length-of-day seasonal variations: Analyses of harmonic and inharmonic fluctuations,Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2020, 11, 64–71. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2019.09.002.

  3. Chen Wei, Jiesi Luo, Ray Jim, Nan Yu, Li JianCheng (2019) Multiple-data-based monthly geopotential model set LDCmgm90.Scientific Data, 6: 288, DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0239-7. [IF6.444]

  4. Nan Yu, Jiancheng Li, Jim Ray, Wei Chen (2018) Improved geophysical excitation of length-of-day constrained by Earth orientation parameters and satellite gravimetry products.Geophysical Journal International, 214: 1633–1651, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy204. [IF2.934]

  5. Chen Wei, Li JianCheng, Ray Jim, Cheng Min Kang (2017) Improved geophysical excitations constrained by polar motion observations and GRACE/SLR time-dependent gravity,Geodesy and Geodynamics, 8: 377–388, doi: 10.1016/j.geog.2017.04.006.

  6. Chen Wei, Li JianCheng, Ray Jim, Shen WenBin, Huang ChengLi (2015) Consistent estimates of the dynamical figure parameters of the Earth,Journal of Geodesy, 89(2), 179–188, doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0768-y. [IF4.260]

  7. Chen Wei, Ray Jim, Li Jiancheng, Huang Chengli, Shen WenBin (2013) Polar motion excitations for an Earth model with frequency-dependent responses: 1. A refined theory with insight into the Earth’s rheology and core-mantle coupling,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 4975–4994, doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50314. [IF4.261]

  8. Chen Wei, Ray Jim, Shen WenBin, Huang Chengli (2013) Polar motion excitations for an Earth model with frequency-dependent responses: 2. Numerical tests of the meteorological excitations,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118, 4995–5007, doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50313. [IF4.261]

  9. Chen Wei, Shen WenBin (2010) New estimates of the inertia tensor and rotation of the triaxial nonrigid Earth.Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B12419, doi:10.1029/2009JB007094. [IF4.261]

  10. Chen Wei, Shen WenBin, Han Jiancheng, Li Jin (2009) Free wobble of the triaxial Earth: theory and comparisons with International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) data.Surveys in Geophysics, 30: 39–49, doi: 10.1007/s10712-009-9057-3. [IF6.673]


  1. Chen Wei, Jiesi Luo, Ray Jim, Nan Yu, Li JianCheng (2021) On the Optimal Estimates of Global Angular Momenta. Lecture for the ICCC JWG C.1 (Climate Signatures in Earth Orientation Parameters) Meeting, Marth 18, 2021.【讲座报告】

  2. Chen Wei, Li JianCheng, Ray Jim (2017) Inverting for errors in tidal polar motion model through tidal alias signals, Presented at the International Symposium of Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics (APSG) Project, Shanghai, China, 15–18 Aug 2017.【特邀报告】

  3. Chen Wei, Ray Jim, Li JianCheng (2016) Complete polar motion theory for an Earth model with frequency-dependent responses, Presented at the Geodesy, Astronomy and Geophysics in Earth Rotation (GAGER2016) – A Joint IAU / IAG / IERS Symposium, Wuhan, China, 19–25 July 2016.

  4. Chen Wei, Li JianCheng, Ray Jim, Cheng MinKang, Clark R. Wilson (2015) Using Constraints from Satellite Gravimetry to Study Meteorological Excitations of the Chandler Wobble for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses, Presented at the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 14–18 December 2015.

  5. Chen Wei, Li JianCheng, Ray Jim, Cheng MinKang, Clark R. Wilson (2015) Improved Consistency between (C21, S21) and Seasonal Excitations of Polar Motion for an Earth Model with Frequency-dependent Responses, Presented at the GRACE Science Team Meeting (GSTM2015), Austin, Texas, USA, 21–23 Sep 2015.

  6. Chen Wei, Ray Jim, Li JianCheng (2014) Theory for polar motion: error analyses and potential refinements to the accuracy level of geodetic observations, Presented at the IAG Commission 1 Symposium 2014 – Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014), Kirchberg, Luxembourg, 13–17 Oct 2014.【特邀报告】

  7. Chen W, Ray J (2012) Evaluations of global geophysical fluid models based on broad-band geodetic excitations. Presented at the IERS GGFC Workshop, Vienna, Austria, 20 April 2012.【特邀报告】

  8. Chen Wei, Shen WenBin (2010) A modified Liouville equation for the triaxial Earth with frequency-dependent responses. Presented atObserving and Understanding Earth Rotation – A Joint GGOS/IAU Science Workshop, Shanghai, China, 25–28 October 2010.【特邀报告】


  1. 2016年筹办Geodesy, Astronomy and Geophysics in Earth Rotation (GAGER2016) – A Joint IAU / IAG / IERS Symposium

  2. 2015年7月—8月受国际参考框架工作组 (法国IGN Group) 邀请,参与检验最新参考框架ITRF2014的三种不同解算策略的优劣

  3. 2012年国际天文学会/国际大地测量学会 (International Astronomical Union / International Association of Geodesy) 地球自转理论联合工作组组建,成为最初的核心成员之一

  4. 2011年起与美国国家海洋大气总署 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 的Jim Ray教授 (IGS Coordinator) 建立了长期合作关系